I love a good story. Non-fiction. I enjoy reading about how some poor dude from the poor side of town with poor parents and poor friends made it big. There are plenty of Bill Gates in the world. Folks that came from money. Guys that caught the 'breaks'. They went to the best schools that money could buy.
Think about this for a moment. If you took 1,000 folks and gave them exactly the same opportunities that Bill Gates had, wouldn't there be at least a few that would be in a similar situation? Bill had some serious opportunities others just wouldn't have had. I'm not knocking Bill Gates at all. In fact, I use Microsoft Word all the time. But, I reject the notion that he is a one in a million type of cat. He is a prime example of being born into the right place at the right time. If you read his story, you will see that he came from money (right place). He got into a field that was new (right time).
Some of you might be thinking that I must have it in for Gates. I can assure you I don't. I would love to meet the guy. I would learn whatever I could from him. I am big fan of his philanthropic work.
But, ponder this.
Remember the one in a million example. Now let's change things around a little. Well, a lot. Let's take the same William Henry Gates III, and instead of having him go to Lakeside School in Seattle, he attends Julian High in Chicago.
Side note: Lakeside is a private prep school that sends 99% of its students to college.
Now, instead of Lakeside, Bill gets to attend Julian High School where the dropout rate was 36% in 2010. Would Bill have overcome the odds and fought his way to the top? Would he have created Microsoft? That would be less likely than the Cubs winning the Series this year. In fact, you could say that would be one in a billion. Think about what would have needed to happen to have duplicated his business success. I'm not against money. I rather enjoy what it affords me. But, I am for the underdog.
If you are an underdog, don't quit. You can make it. You may not create a Microsoft, but, then again, you just may be that one in a billion. I'd love to meet you some day. I know I'd learn a lot from you.
If you are an underdog do me a favor and visit me over at todayhaspower. I would love to hear your story.
Live it LOUD!
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