That is what I said...Americans are living longer. So how are you preparing for your financial and physical future?
Years ago, you finished your education, got a J.O.B. and worked for as many years as it took to get to retirement age. You got your pension, added some social security and drove off into the sunset for the rest of your life. Keywords... rest of your life.
Today, we are living much longer, and with the downturn in the economy a few years ago, many things have changed. If you are still lucky to have a 401, many have turned into 101s or less. Have you been able to change with those times? Many have not. Many have lost jobs due to downsizing due to a particular industry just dying on the vine. Companies are relocating to save on taxes and for many other reasons. People loosing their homes. It has not been easy for many people.
So we are living longer, but it comes with many challenges. These challenges can certainly put us to the test, but we as a people can stand up to the test.
The test of living a more productive life is crucial. Stay in good physical condition. Exercise daily. Eat healthy. Prepare for your later years financially. All these can be controlled. Just prepare for a long healthy, financially sound future.
There are many ways to produce the result that you want for both your physical and financial future.
Just having a pension and social security does not cut it today. With the prices of just about everything going up drastically, you need to have invested wisely. But lets face it... there a many that did not have the opportunity to do all that.
All is not lost. There is still time. It will take a lot of hard work to prepare for the future, but it can be done.
There are many opportunities, even in this down economy. But you have to be smarter than before, and in many instances you cant do it alone. Find the right combination of investments and a person who has experience to guide you step-by step and it can work.
No matter what your age is, financial freedom can be obtained.
Be pro-active in both your physical and financial well being.
Things are much different then they were. Be ready to handle what ever comes.
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