"Hold on to your dreams of a better life and stay committed to striving to realize it." -Earl G. Graves, Sr
I hope I got your attention with this quote. It is from a recent article in Black Enterprise Magazine entitled, "We Must Never Surrender Our Hope." Mr. Graves, publisher of the magazine and author of this wonderful article, tells us how the magazine started during a recession, survived during SIX more recessions and has reached the 40 year milestone all because he was committed to his company and never gave up. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Mr. Earl G. Graves, Sr for your insight.
A lot of times as business professionals we get overwhelmed with people telling us NO and things not going as planned. We know there will be more bad days than good but if we continue to stay committed in ourselves and dust ourselves off when things go wrong, we can do nothing but be SUCCESSFUL. You have to work harder for yourself than you did for other individuals or companies you were once a part of. The same dedication you gave them, you must give yourself. SO WHAT! You have a lot of people in your circle that do not believe in you. SO WHAT! You were in business before and you did not do so well. Learn to let those people go and find another circle of people that will help you in your professional endeavors. Learn from the mistakes you made when you were in business before. Chances are you were not successful because YOU were your own hindrance, not the people in your circle.
In the same article Mr. Graves lets us know that, "Many of my proudest moments as founder of Black Enterprise Magazine have come during the most difficult times." Yes the economy is not at its greatest right now but if you have a business mindset NOTHING people say should keep you from reaching your goals. Hang in there, LEARN as much as possible about the business, ASK QUESTIONS, READ (and read the same information again) and LISTEN. There is no way you know everything so if you LISTEN you might learn something. Most major companies today started out small. Look at CNN for example. People told Ted Turner that he was CRAZY to think people wanted to watch a channel that showed news all day. Now 30 years later CNN is the most watch news channel all because Ted Turner decided not to listen to people and saw the success in himself.
So if you ever thought about going into business or building your current business, NOW IS THE TIME. You are already thinking about it and there are professionals that will train you every step of the way. You becoming successful or continue in the path you are currently in is your hands. All you need to do is be willing to learn.
This is my insight for you and I wish you much success.
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